Because of man and pollution -there are endangered species, and I am one of them. LOOK what seventy years has done to me !! What is going to happen the next seventy? What can we do to stop this ENDANGERMENT?
Starting in grade school painting murals and attending art classes, I knew my greatest pleasure in life would be art. Other loves presented themselves; marriage, children, grandchildren and friends. They kept me busy for half a century. At age 59 it was time to return to my first love but so much time had passed. How would I ever catch up? I let the great masters of art’s history teach me their craft. In reproducing the finest art of the masters, I’ve found the best teachers who ever lived.
Now, 24 years later, I am still learning. The techniques and canvas preparations, the under paintings, rich, colorful palettes, and glazes; everything needed to master a renaissance painting. I delight the most in flesh tones for it’s in these tones that the whole palette is used. Oil, my favorite medium, flows over the canvas with a richness not found in other mediums. I apply all these wonderful lessons to bring to life the human body, nature, and commissioned portraits.
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