Chimpanzees behind bars, pain in their eyes, distress in their bodies; a mother Orangutan holding a baby much like humans do to draw attention to similarities between our species; a mother Orangutan and a baby - dignified posture, intelligent eyes. Orangutan behind bars (a laboratory), a world of pain in his eyes. Please see statement. Complete title is "...and then there were none - Primates".
In this series, I wish to convey the slow and cruel extermination of animals that are being poached, hunted for bush meat, decimated for sport, and losing their habitats due to the expansion of human settlements and disrespect for wildlife's territories. In each painting I aim at showing the nobility of the animal when left alone in its environment and natural functions within its species, as opposed to the inhumane and cruel treatment these animals are experiencing in the hands of established institutions such as circuses, trophy hunters, sport hunters, etc.
My goal is to raise people's awareness to the slow decimation of our natural animal world and its inevitable effect on our own lives and environment. I wish to convey a deep love and respect for animals in general and specifically for those on the endangered species list.
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