ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2017 Submission.
Illustrious Sun Bear by Susan Shoemaker. All Rights Reserved.
Artist Susan Shoemaker is a native of Birmingham, Alabama. She received her BFA from the University of Montevallo in 2000; a degree that concluded in a double concentration in Printmaking and Sculpture with Painting not too far behind. However, after Shoemaker graduated, she found herself as a printmaker without a press, inspiring her return to her first love of drawing. This led to her creating a studio called, ‘pencilpress’.
Shoemaker’s current work includes pieces on wood panel, canvas, and paper. Her pieces typically involve several coats of under painting and multiple layers of drawing which result in a very textural piece.
Shoemaker finds using animals as her primary focus in art can be tricky. She is always looking for balance between a straightforward representation and indulging a sense of humor about herself and her work. Her ultimate goal is that the animals are well represented, funny when intended, and always portrayed in an interesting way.
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