I was raised on a farm in a small town in NE GA and lived for the day when the new National Geographic arrived in my mailbox. From the golden cover to the back page all of my dreams were imaged. To travel the world and see it through the eyes of the people that lived there. I’m 62 and I still run, not as fast, to the mailbox to be the first to tear the plastic off the National Geographic to gaze at every page. In making my travel dreams I promised myself to first see all of America and visit all the national parks. I felt I should visit my own backyard before I stated visiting anybody else’s backyard. I’ve traveled the 50 states and visited 27 countries from Tibet to Italy to Iceland and I’m still making plans for future adventures. Photography is a beautiful way to capture a second in time. These photos are examples of being at the right place at the right time. It is very important for us to save endangered species, as well as all the species of the world.