Hawaiian Monk Seal by Joshua Capp. "An endangered Hawaiian monk seal resting under a tree high on a beach on the island of Kaua'i. The Hawaiian Monk Seal is one of two remaining monk seal species left on our blue planet. Native to the Hawaiian Islands, current estimates are that there are only 1200 monk seals left in the wild and only 150 that visit the main Hawaiian Islands on a regular basis. While their numbers are on the rise outside of the main Hawaiian islands their numbers continue to decline in one of the world's most beautiful locales. The struggle for the monk seal comes from habitat destruction, to fishing hooks, dogs, and even attacks from humans. Every time I post an image of a monk seal or bring a piece of art to a show I try to bring awareness to the Hawaiian monk seal. This monk seal was resting high on a secluded beach under a tree on the island of Kaua'i. After capturing a few images I continued down the beach and the monk seal went back to its peaceful rest."
To see more amazing photography from Joshua Capp, please see www.jcappstudio.com