ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2021 Submission
Most of all I want my work to be emotional; to spirit a reflection, a change, and to confront the routinely accepted cruel practices perpetrated on animals by humans either directly or from afar.
What Price Beauty specifically protests Rabbits and other small animals used for cosmetic testing; most of which is repetitive and unnecessary, but it occurred to me I can replace the Rabbit in this image with almost any animal on the planet that has been touched in some way by humans in every industry and arena; hunting, poaching, fishing, food industry, entertainment, cultural festivals, contests, medical laboratories, the commercial pet industry, shelters systems, government control agencies, the armed forces, organized animal fighting, social media; publicized cruelty videos, endangered species, and extinction.
Professions of admiration and love for animals is not enough; what is needed is protest and challenge, an end to the acceptance of cruelty toward them. We are all animals.
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