ENDANGERED: Art4Apes is delighted to announce that Holly Cannon is our October 2022 Virtual Artist in Residence
Congratulations to Holly Cannon for becoming our October 2022 Virtual Artist in Residence. The Virtual Artist in Residence Program is awarded monthly to the artist (or photographer) who has submitted 3 or more entries to the ENDANGERED Fine Art & Photography Contest 2022 and has been selected by the Curatorial Committee as best interpreting the aims of the Contest.
Artist Statement
I have always loved to paint and draw. I earned a degree from Florida International University in Communications and Art. I enjoyed creating art for an Ad Agency, but after having a couple of kids and adopting a couple more, plus owning a horse and dog breeding farm, I hung up my paintbrush. After 20+ years and divine intervention, I rediscovered my paintbrush while recuperating from hip replacement surgery. I instantly found my happy place again. My love for art and creating it comes from my Faith and knowing that God has given me a great talent that I love sharing with the world. I love painting and photographing wildlife of any kind, large and small. My favorite medium right now is pastels. I discovered pastels while taking a weekend workshop with my art mentor, Lesley Harrison, in Montana. I adore the richness and realism I can achieve with this medium. Every summer, I get the privilege of being with my daughter in the Pacific Northwest, where she's a Naturalist on a whale-watching boat. We both share a passion for marine mammals, and I am an avid photographer and continually add to my 'to be painted’ folder.
I have loved wildlife and animals my entire life. I grew up on an island near Miami and was surrounded by marine life. This put a passion in my heart for all things wild. From the horses drawn all over my notebooks in school to the endless photographs in my ‘to be painted folder,’ animals are usually what I love to paint.
Holly Cannon © 2022 Holly Cannon. All Rights Reserved.
I have a large Facebook following of artists that use my photographs as reference photos (Free Reference Photos for Artists by Holly just passed 22K members), and I think most would agree a photograph has to ‘speak’ to you before you paint it. There is usually some point during the process of painting where I get stuck. If the subject of the photo is not something I love, it will be hard to push through to finish. That being said, there are so many amazing animals I still want to paint! And with each painting, my goal is to make it as photo-realistic as possible. The highest compliment I get is when people ask me if my painting is a painting or a photograph.
Why I Entered Endangered?
I think there are some amazingly talented people who enter this contest each year, so I wanted to be involved. I literally cried when I got the notice that my painting had been accepted, what an honor. As I have grown to learn more about this organization, the more I love it. I have a passion for marine wildlife and have the opportunity to see and photograph the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales each summer. God has created amazing animals for us to enjoy, so my message is to shine a light on all things Endangered across this planet ... and Endangered Art for Apes helps get that message across through beautiful art and photography.
See more of Holly’s work by clicking on the links below:
Website: https://www.hollycannonart.com
Instagram: @hollycannonart65
Family Photoshoot © 2022 Holly Cannon. All Rights Reserved.
Our family story is a bit unusual. We have a bit of a “Blindside” family. Long story short, my husband and I always wanted to have 4 kids, but after 2 difficult births we decided 2 was fine. Our hearts longed to adopt a toddler, but God had a different plan. When our kids were 16 and 18, we both felt like God was telling us to adopt two African American brothers that went to our kids’ school who lived at a foster home run by our church, they were 15 and 17. We didn’t know them, and they didn’t know us. But after a lot of prayer we adopted them and they moved in with us in 2010. It has been a bit bumpy sometimes, but they are now both graduated college and are married to amazing women, and BOTH have babies on the way in 2023! I’m a happy Grandma! Then during our youngest sons’ senior year of high school, we hosted a Chinese exchange student, who has since adopted us! He lived with us during the Pandemic and got his Master Degree in Business and works in Detroit for Engineering Solutions Co. So now we have 5 amazing kids!
ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2022 Submissions
Mawar the Rose © 2022 Holly Cannon. All Rights Reserved.
My Digital Scratch board “Mawar the Rose” is in the Artist for Conservation Show and Live Exhibit at the VanDusen Botanical Gardens in Vancouver starting in September. I have won three Best in Shows in the last three years here in my county.
Waiting for a Hug © 2022 Holly Cannon. All Rights Reserved.
Alpha Dog © 2022 Holly Cannon. All Rights Reserved.
Tiger Eyes © 2022 Holly Cannon. All Rights Reserved.
See more of Holly’s work below:

The Virtual Artist in Residence Program is awarded monthly to the artist and photographer who have submitted 3 or more entries to the ENDANGERED Fine Art & Photography Contest and have been selected by the Curatorial Committee as best interpreting the aims of the Contest.
Questions? Lindsey@Art4Apes.com