Louie - PhotographyByPhoenix © 2020 - All Rights Reserved


Louie - PhotographyByPhoenix © 2020 - All Rights Reserved


Color photograph on metal, 24” x 30”

They say the camera reflects both ways... the subject being photographed and the attitude and emotions of the photographer. I could only see beauty the day I was privileged to meet Louie at the Center for Great Apes, the only accredited orangutan sanctuary in North America, as well as feel love for the work to rescue other orangutans and apes from abuse and extinction.

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For Phoenix, the extraordinary beauty of nature and wilderness is a wonder. Attempting to fix them in time is her passion; photography is her art. Known for her painterly approach to composition, light, color, and texture, she is the recipient of two Artist-In-Residence programs - The Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Olive Stack Gallery in Ireland, two public art grants, nine public art awards, and many prestigious art awards. The featured artist for the first Endangered Exhibit – United Kingdom, her conservation photography has been honored in more than 50 juried exhibits annually, showcased in 20 solo exhibits, including Everglades National Park Gallery and Collectors’ Gallery, featured in magazines and calendars worldwide, and can be found in private collections internationally. Professionally Phoenix is in her sixth year serving as president of the National League of American Pen Women, Fort Lauderdale Branch. A native Miamian, Phoenix lives and works in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Website: www.photographsbyphoenix.com