SUBMISSION: The Scream by Iris Polos
"Bonobo screaming/laughing/yawning being pushed at the edges by cut out human forms. We are pushing them to the edge. As a child I knew I was an animal--I think all of us know that when we're children. Then we get indoctrinated by science and religion to think otherwise, and we become separated from the rest of nature. We're told that only humans have emotional lives and intelligence. We're told that only humans enter heaven. This work is about reclaiming what I knew as a child. It is about what I see with animal eyes.
The sculptures began with one piece of paper and were built up with layer upon layer each one cut in an intricate, spiraling, random pattern. So much is now hidden under the surface, but that's how life is made: from atom to visible surface. The process went on for eight months, twelve months, maybe more--however long the subject needed to tell her story." See her website for more amazing artwork