SUBMISSION: The Real Unicorn by Colleen Provost
The Photo is dye infused onto a specialty coated aluminum and sealed with a gemlike UV coating. Last year poachers broke the record on the number of rhinos slaughtered for their horn. The trend this year looks like it will be another record breaker. These animals are being killed for their horn which is made up of the same material as a fingernail, keratin, because of its supposed medicinal value. We need to do all that we can before these animals become only known to future generations in picture books as some mythical unicorn.
A Day on the Water Photography is an expression of how I live my life in the belief that nature is a gift. Focusing a light on what is often unseen and making it tangible for others inspires me. I hope to capture this beauty given to us in a lens and share it with those unable to enter into this magical world. In doing so, maybe it will help others to realize that “In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught.” (Baba Dioum, 1968)