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SUBMISSION: Disappearing Before Our Eyes by Darius Smith

Disappearing Before Our Eyes by Darius Smith. All Rights Reserved. As said by Agnes Martin, ‘Art is the concrete representation of our most subtle feelings’.

My art represents who I am; I look at art not just as a hobby that I have picked up or an extra-curricular activity, I see art as an escape from my daily issues and the shortcomings that life throws at me. My enjoyment of art goes far beyond my love for anything else. It gives me an opportunity to make a difference not only in myself but in my family as well.

My involvement in the art industry makes me feel more then obligated to make art, if I see bright colors or twisted trees it draws me in because weird things of nature intrigue me. My favorite media is 3D and 2D and I find a way to collaborate the two whenever I’m making a piece. My favorite medium to work in is pen, because I feel that it challenges me to make mistakes and fix them along the way because pen is an unforgiving medium. My plans for the future is to become a backstage make-up effects artist.