SUBMISSION: The Beautiful Survivor by Chanel Row
The Beautiful Survivor by Chanel Rowe. All Rights Reserved. My artwork takes a look at the way elephants are being poached for their precious ivory tusks. Despite the ban of international trade of ivory elephants are still being killed by the thousands. In this piece I captured my love for the elephants while emphasizing the beauty their tusks. Every tusk in my drawing has its own intricate detail and personality. Adding these essential details was imperative for me to express the emotion in my artwork. Growing up I have always had a special love for elephants, in my eyes they are one of the most beautiful animals. Sadly they a vastly becoming an endangered species like many others. While drawing this piece I tried to convey the idea that although humans value ivory the elephants also value it because it is their own. Elephants are very compassionate and emotional. I believe they deserve to live and nurture their children the same way other animals do. I hope that I was able to convey their love.