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SUBMISSION: Bonding © 2022 Sany Sugianto

Bonding © 2022 Sany Sugianto | All Rights Reserved

ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2022 Submission - Fine Art Category

Macaque are primates with red faces. In the winter these macaques soak their bodies in the hot springs so they do not get frostbite and survive the winter. According to researchers these primates are very intelligent and like to imitate human behavior. For instance they prepare food by washing and soaking yams in salty sea water. Also they throw wheat that is mixed with soil into water wait until the wheat floats up then eat it free from the soil. Researchers have also witnessed that every region of macaques have different accents just like humans. It is so interesting! Japanese macaques are protected under the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) which means although the species is not immediately threatened there are still protective measures in place to make sure the species does not decline.