SUBMISSION: Future Generations? Crested Black Macaques © 2021 Danielle Renée Boone
ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2021 Submission
Moments frozen in time from shared experiences speak to the universality of emotion and connect us. We are all vulnerable in some way: an uncomfortable feeling, yet an important one that allows us to grow.
Art captures history, the essence of humanity and lays bare injustices to inspire positive change. As in life, sometimes the negative space of something not being there speaks volumes.
It is a tightrope, delicate dance to harness clarity of thought and compassion with the power of self-reflection, but only through acknowledgement and acceptance of others’ struggles can humanity take steps toward unity and a more equitable future.
Sculpture challenges structure figuratively and literally, and also scientifically—through research of anatomy and écorché modeling, testing the boundaries of physics with form and balance.
The wellspring of creativity sparks innovation from art to science, & hopefully beyond to ensure a more equitable & just world.