SUBMISSION: Sovereign Gaze © 2021 Mia Gifford
ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2021 Submission
This photo was taken at the Brevard Zoo in the vulture exhibit. King Vultures (Sarcoramphus papa) are large carrion eating birds that live in South America. Vultures fill out an important role in their ecosystems by eating rotting meat that may be harmful to other animals if digested. Because of the significant niche they rule over, they are a key factor in the health of the ecosystem. Though they are not a critically threatened species, their populations are decreasing over time due to deforestation. Soon, they may be considered endangered. I doubt vultures are a very popular ""favorite animal"" amongst many people, but I think they have a unique beauty to them that not everyone can see. These birds deserve a place to call home where outside threats are nonexistent.
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