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SUBMISSION: Red Ruffed Lemur (Critically Endangered) by Juan Rodriguez

Red Ruffed Lemur (Critically Endangered) © 2019 Juan Rodriguez | All Rights Reserved

ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2019 Submission

‘Varecia rubra’ the red ruffed lemur is a critically endangered in Madagascar primarily due to hunting and habitat loss. Threats include illegal logging deforestation and hunting and trapping for food.

Humans are causing the sixth mass extinction in Earth's History. I hope that with photographing endangered species with the wet collodion process, I am able to show the fragility of the biodiversity of species. I am exploring the wet collodion process, after developing a passion for this medium. I will take photos of endangered animals, creating wet collodion prints, to show the delicacy of the endangered species. By photographing endangered animals in the wet collodion process, my intent is to express the fragility of the animals situations, the deforestation, loss of habitat polluted environment, and human threats. The animals do not have voices to tell humanity that they are the cause of most of the impending extinction, with a process that is a slowly growing trend. Trying to capture an in-camera exposure and experimenting with the correct exposure will be a challenge, since the animals will not be stationary. The purpose of the project is to bring awareness to the destruction.

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