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SUBMISSION: Unchosen Path by Stacy Daugherty

Unchosen Path © 2019 Stacy Daugherty | All Rights Reserved

ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2019 Submission

Clouded Leopards' forest habitat and their prey are disappearing due to the development of palm oil plantations. Being forced to seek food and shelter outside of their normal areas puts them directly in the hunters path. The skin pattern represents her life and how it has been decided for her.

"Nature is alive and talking to us. This is not a metaphor." - Terence McKenna.

Looking into their eyes, I connect with their primal spirit and pure essence. There is no separation between animal and human. We all are souls inside these bodies - some with fur - living our lives, together, on this planet. Look closer, breathe them in. Can you hear them?

Photography is my way of connecting with and celebrating our earth's wonders. By calling attention to details usually overlooked, I encourage the viewer to open their mind to new possibilities. My style is guided by intuition and a thoughtful approach to natural light. Bringing awareness to these animals' endangerment is only part of the quest; putting an end to this crisis on all fronts is the ultimate goal.

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