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SUBMISSION: The Three Chumps by Shannon Escoriaza

The Three Chumps © 2019 Shannon Escoriaza | All Rights Reserved

ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2019 Submission

We as 'privileged people' tend to overlook the most important things in life because we choose comfort instead. Rather than think of ways to better the community we look for ways to better our own circumstances. Selfishly ignoring what others are going through. Yes we might not be able to save the world however we have the ability to change the little moments we spend interacting with one another. No matter if it's a human an animal or an inanimate object. We spend countless amounts of money trying to make ourselves look and feel better with expensive luxuries while we could be putting that money and effort into things that could eventually change the world for the better.

My art skills might not be the best but the representation of my message will be. I have struggled trying to find the best way to show the materialistic view in which we as ""Americans"" or society in general live. We ourselves are monkeys, telling each other what the true meaning of life is while we wrap ourselves in materialistic conformity. As long as we are comfortable we care not for others sake, not even for a dying species.

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