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SUBMISSION: Last Breach by Judith Marchand

Last Breach © 2019 Judith Marchand | All Rights Reserved

ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2019 Submission

Original handmade plaster casting inspired by local rivertown storm drains and designed using natural and man-made objects found in / around the Delaware River and other local waterways. Embodies the vital environmental message proclaiming the urgency of keeping our waterways clean and healthy.

Mankind's interaction with it's natural environment is the basis & subject of this artwork. Just as natural fossils are the imprints of prehistoric life on earth, our ""Modern Fossils"" ponder the substances we are currently leaving behind in our environment, to be unearthed far in the future. Our original plaster castings, inspired by the storm drain covers found in our local rivertowns, represent our community's impact on the life-giving river & it's environment. The castings' message, ""Dump No Waste, Drains to Waterways"", proclaims the truth that the river's health is key to the local community's existence & future. We use both natural materials & manmade detritus collected from the river/ it's environment to design the castings' images, thereby visually illustrating this message. The resulting artwork embodies mankind's struggle to maintain a balanced relationship w/ nature as well as the vital environmental message proclaiming the importance of keeping our waterways clean & healthy.

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