SUBMISSION: In Flight by Kyra Richter
ENDANGERED: Fine Art & Photography Contest 2018 Submission.
As a child I could spend hours by myself watching ants, digging through dirt in search if interesting insects, watching fish and other creatures swim in a tidal pool. It is this fascination with nature, as I watched in silence and imagined loudly, which now drives me to spend my free time either admiring nature or painting it.
I paint on paper, or cradled wood panel. I use watercolors crafted with natural minerals which contain no toxic chemicals. When water is added to the pigment a beautiful granulating effect often results, the minerals in the darker tints give the painting a natural sparkle because of light reflective specs. I will use ink, color pencils, and white gel pens to enhance outlines. My subjects, though posed against a dreamlike watery swirl of color, will be depicted as accurately as I can. I want to maintain that connection with nature and hopefully remind you of the fragility of nature and its dependence on us for survival.
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